When things are not quite right, and the feeling of happy seems to have evaded me, I will remind myself that I am in charge of my own happiness. I begin to compose my grateful list of good things that have happened during the week. Often this list is the start of my
Friday Favorites
Some of the items on my grateful list will typically have something to do with members of my family.
On Sunday of this week we observed National Sisters Day
Which brings me to
Favorite # ONE
Every girl needs one!
#Nationalsistersday is the first Sunday in August.
Last year I published a post about it here.
Some of the significant sisters in my world are:My girls
and my new favorite pic, which happens to be a snapshot of sisters is:
The cutest little girls on the planet!
Happy National Sisters Day!
In order to be grateful, it is important to appreciate the little things
such as
Favorite # TWO
Being in the right place at the right time…
Having all of your
Ducks in a Row
Other little things to appreciate can be seen in this pic
Favorite # THREE
Both of
These Little Ones
call me Glammy
(the youngest one may call me Glammoo, but don’t tell Richard or I’ll never hear the end of it).
Little Rory is on the left watching her big sister…Lydia, very bravely showing off her skills!
The video is posted on Instagram.
Favorite # FOUR
Lydia’s Painting
She is an artist!
Lydia has created a beautiful, blue-skied, sunny day complete with a crepe myrtle and flowers, a squirrel collecting nuts, flowers, a nicely mowed lawn. Within the lovely landscape, Glammy is wearing a blue dress accompanied by Elvis the cat, who is enjoying the day with Lydia and her cat O’Malley.
Glammy will be having this framed!
Some of the items on my grateful list will typically have something to do with activities in which I participate.
In the famous words of Ferris Bueller,
“Life moves pretty fast… If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
On Wednesday LB decided that we would take Ferris Bueller’s advice.
We took off early and headed for St. Augustine
Favorite # FIVE
Playing Hooky
It is pics like this that make me grateful when I have a good hair day
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.