Let’s begin my list of Friday favorites with these fancy felines:
These fun loving party cats are brought to you courtesy of my daughter Amanda (although I picked up the link at Amanda called my attention to this threesome when she sent it to me in a happy birthday text. So Cute!
Friday is ALWAYS a reason to party and even more so because I am off work early today!
Favorite # TWO
The Chik-Fil-A Diet Lemonade Occasionally we will make a stop by Chik-fil-A to have a Diet Lemonade. Since swearing off aspartame I’ve consumed less and less diet drinks. That being said, I have no idea whether this diet lemonade contains aspartame or not. The only information I can find regarding the ingredients is the calories it contains which ranges between 20 – 30 depending on the website.
Favorite # THREE
Used on the 4th or July to fry chicken, my Le Creuset French oven rates an A+ in form and function! Although that is a phrase associated with architecture, I though it appropriate to describe the way this enamel cast iron pot works and also how PRETTY it is! My French oven was a perfect vehicle for frying chicken on the 4th of July. Although I likely will not fry chicken ever again, I know I’ll use this pretty kitchen work horse again.There are other Le Creuset items that are on my wish list, but they typically go on the back burner (pun intended) due to my obsession with new shoes! Speaking of shoes…
Favorite # FOUR
It would be really nice to have these shoes:and these:
that’s all. I won’t ask for anything else. I promise.
Favorite # FIVE
TimeWise Repair® Volu-Firm® Set
If nothing else, it certainly is packaged pretty.
This week I graduated from the TimeWise® Miracle Set® to the TimeWise Repair® Volu-Firm® Set. I have been using the the TimeWise® Miracle Set® for several years and absolutely love it, however I wanted to experience first hand what the TimeWise Repair® Volu-Firm® Set can do. Right away I noticed the consistency of the product is extremely different. As the product promises to do, I am hoping to notice that it will “lift away the years” as I continue to put this new it to use. Regardless, I will always be a fan of Mary Kay products.
I hope Everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Mine will involve celebrating my favorite 2 year old’s birthday!