It has been so long that I don’t know if I remember how to do this.
Hopefully its easier than riding a bike.
We celebrated my middle child’s birthday on Monday evening.
Favorite # ONE
I’ve published several posts featuring Amanda. Some of my favorites are here and here.
All three of my children were born in the fall, so while the rest of the world is anticipating Thanksgiving, for my family, starting November 1st the celebrating begins. November 1st is Stephanie’s birthday. While she didn’t specifically request it, her birthday dinner was a fish fry.
It was EPIC.
Richard’s birthday is November 9th. Amanda thought it would be a good idea to have a low country boil for Richard’s birthday dinner. Since he didn’t object, that is what we did.
It was also EPIC.
Amanda asked for an appetizer/Hors d’oeuvres “dinner”, which isn’t really a dinner, but very fun and filling.
She also asked for a slab pie in lieu of a birthday cake, and so…
Favorite # TWO
A slab pie is baked in a sheet pan and is designed to feed a crowd. For Amanda’s pie I used my pâte brisée recipe and canned pie filling: apple, blueberry, cherry, and mixed berry. The pie turned out pretty good. Either that or no one was brave enough to tell me the truth.
With Amanda’s birthday past, on Wednesday LB began setting up the Christmas trees. We have two and they are both special.
Favorite # THREE
This was our first Christmas tree with baby Elvis, which makes it 15 years old.
These days he doesn’t have the impulse to climb the purple tree, but he still likes it.
Putting it up was a bit difficult this year because LB had to strip the lights and add new ones.
Now I get to decorate.
This year my team at work decided to have seafood for Christmas dinner
Favorite # FOUR
and my Team
Most of us went out on Thursday night for our Christmas dinner together. It may be the last one.
More on that later.
Favorite # FIVE
this little tree 
that lives in my front yard.
This fall his leaves turned yellow.
Now I call him Arnold
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.