This week we observed Valentine’s Day so it stands to reason that I’m going to mention my Valentine
Favorite # ONE
Favorite # TWO
Valentine’s Day Presents

It has been almost a year since our world drastically changed. Last year on Valentine’s Day, I was working several miles away from my home… commuting daily and complaining the whole way. These days I seldom leave the house except for those rare occasions when we go out to dinner.
On Sunday LB and I went to
Favorite # THREE
This one has probably been a favorite before.
And speaking of Salsa, has anyone tried this…
Favorite # FOUR
Herdez Guacamole Salsa
OMG I love it!
It wouldn’t be a true Valentine’s Day post if I didn’t include my favorite Valentine’s Day Baby
Favorite # FIVE
Born on Valentine’s Day 2018.
She is growing up so fast!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.