This was my Saturday Special:
From the Maple Street Biscuit Company
it is called
The Squawking Goat
Today is the last day of my annual FALL VACATION.
The Fall Vacation trip is the one that LB and I take annually to do the same things in the same places. Not because we can’t think of anything else to do, but because we love it. However, on this Fall Vacation Trip, LB and I did something a little bit different: we detoured to Charleston.
Richard, Emily, Lydia, and Rory officially moved to South Carolina this past week.
Because I know it is going to be difficult to live without seeing them regularly, LB rerouted us to Charleston and on Saturday afternoon….We met at the place where “Daddy is the BOSS”.
And Glammy got to see her girls!
Talk about a Saturday Special!
After enjoying our lunch, we followed Emily and the baby girls to see their new home.
The playground was especially fun to see!But there was more to do.
We opened housewarming presents (and put them together)Then we headed out to spend the afternoon having fun at a
Charleston Fall Festival
There were so many fun things to do!
There was
A Maze
and a prize if you were successful!
A Fun House
I was amazed that this little four year old marched herself into the fun house alone
and proceeded to run right through like a little pro.
There was
A Pumpkin Patch
which included an opportunity to pick a pumpkin to carve or paint.
Rory picked this one.Lydia did the paintingAnd she did an excellent job!
There were
Photo OpportunitiesBalloon Babies A HAUNTED HOUSE
I ain’t gonna lie… I didn’t want to go into the haunted house. It was FINE WITH ME when Emily volunteered. But as it turned out, it was a Haunted House especially designed for little ones, and Lydia asked me if I would go with her a second time.
The stop in Charleston was not planned well in advance, so LB and I would have to leave for Florida shortly after our visit had just begun.
It was a HOT day, but a fun day with the baby girls!And we WILL be going back!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.