Many bloggers are posting about New Year’s Resolutions like “Getting fit in 2018” or, better yet, “Goal Setting for Better Blogging”
I am being random
And with that, I bring you another edition of
What’s Up Wednesday
Here goes…
What We’re Eating This Week
While LB can eat anything he wants, Kim has to watch what she eats or she will pay the price.
(I have fat genetic material in the mix)
While I haven’t made any resolutions, I have been following a diet inspired by Mary Vance. My interpretation of her plan involves starting the day with a cup of warm lemon water (and a dash of cayenne). Then green tea and a bowl of vegetables (leftovers) for breakfast. Lunch is usually a salad with chicken or salmon (and a plethora of little tomatoes). In addition to that, I snack on unsalted mixed nuts all day.
I downloaded her book 3 Weeks to Vitality last year and found that the “diet” works well for me. It is a little stricter than Paleo, but the results are unquestionable. Of course any plan that is adhered to will work, it’s just a matter of finding something you can live with.
What I’m Reminiscing About
Although we’ve set no new fitness goals, I’d like to share LB’s photo story (from 2014) to encourage New Year’s Fitness Resolutions:
When you’ve had too many cookies…And the scale begins to tip…
It’s time to hit the treadmill…
What I’m Loving
This picture of Lydia and Thea taken on Christmas morningsitting together in Mema’s chair and enjoying their new tablets.
What We’ve Been Up To
Taking care of holiday exchanges/returns. LB’s shoes are too small, my sweater is too big, and believe it or not, I received two air fryers for Christmas. After a discussion with LB about the necessity of air fryers (he’s not a fan) and thorough YouTube research, I made a decision to keep the smaller of the two, for the sake of kitchen real estate.
This weekend I’ll be trying it out by air frying chicken wings!
What I’m Dreading
Driving to work tomorrow.
It is expected to dip down to 27° tonight. With the 100% chance of rain today, that will make for dangerous driving conditions on my 40 minute commute to work.
Also, I’m not handling the North Pole weather very well
What I’m Working On
Cleaning out the clutter.
And if I do a little bit every day…
I’ll be finished by next year.
What I’m Excited About
Getting my hair done (because it has been more than three months)! It seems like it takes an act of congress to set up an appointment time that works for everyone involved.
And while I don’t enjoy the actual process, I love the results.
Saying goodbye to my sad roots and silvery sparkles tomorrow night!
What I’m Watching/Reading
Anything in the newly furnished TV room! After making an appearance at a local restaurant on New Year’s Eve, LB and I came home and finally watched a program on the new television. We rang in the new year as the Times Square Ball dropped.
What I’m Listening To
Sometimes LB will send me a text that includes a song… just because.
He sent this one today:
What I’m Wearing
On New Year’s Eve I had the opportunity to wear my new WHBM blousewhile we were at Wild Wings Cafe to hear the Party Cartel band.
Today my ensemble included a sweater, vest, coat, gloves, boots, and a warm scarfnot nearly as much fun.
What I’m Doing This Weekend
Taking Elvis to the vet.
The event could have easily been labelled “What I’m Dreading”
What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month
Valentine’s Day happens next month. LB has already made reservations to see “Little Shop of Horrors” at the Alhambra Dinner Theater. What could be more fitting on Valentine’s day than a story of a floral shop associate and his much-loved, melodic plant?
I’m really looking forward to it!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.