Happy 23rd of May!

Ray brought his homemade rubber-band gun
...My Life and Style
Ray brought his homemade rubber-band gun
It was delicious, if I do say so myself!
Thank you Laurie for documenting this event with photos!
Has everyone in your house gone stir crazy yet?
When a home body like myself is ready to get out of the house, I know everyone else must be!
With the exception of taking a couple of drives, LB and I have stayed in the house for six weeks, working from home, having groceries delivered, and enjoying evenings by the pool.
There has been a lot of shopping online, Pinterest pinning and baking. Most recently I made banana bread. Next on the calendar is cream of coconut cake.
We have watched a few movies and sort of started following the series Bosch on Amazon Prime. I’m not a fan of homicide programs, but this one was recommended by Rush, so LB thought it was worth checking out. We may have watched all of season one.
This past week we started venturing out, following social distancing guidelines and trying to be as safe as possible. Mostly.
On Sunday I visited Mama’s house for a Mother’s Day Tea Party that I shared in this post. It was a sweet time with the girls.
Stephanie and Amanda always make me feel special. Later that day, Richard made me feel special too.
He is a faithful face-timer and my most serious child.
And so my Mother’s Day was complete.
On Friday evening LB and I both went out to celebrate a milestone.
We met at Olive Garden with our friends Wayne, Laurie, Debbie and Ray in honor of
I’ve never seen anyone enjoy spaghetti as much as LB did that night!
He saved the chicken parm for later.
We had such a good time, we’re planning another get-together real soon. I’m looking forward to it!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
I haven’t had the energy or the creativity to post this week because we have been under an overtime mandate at work due to excessive call volume. Happily, one of our production agents sits in a cubicle on the other side of mine and I get to listen to her all day long.
and she hopes “to ensure to provide you an excellent customer experience” if she happens to take your call.
With very clear and precise annunciation, Mary Ann adds cheerfulness to her calls and provides a bit of entertainment to those of us nearby.
This morning I heard her exclaim to a customer:
She is an exceptional agent and at times will say things that make me drop my jaw, but given the subject matter, that is understandable.
She will not hesitate to declare her competence by informing her customer that she has “been with the company for eleven years”.
Of course there is no one who can better help the customer because [as she puts it] “we are the last… call center left in the United States”
Mary Ann will even provide her customers with her contact email sweetly advising “if you don’t use it, it’s your own fault”… “Darlin’.”
Today she is my
She brightened my day today!
For my Friday favorites I have decided to make proverbial lemonade out of our workplace lemons and accentuate the positive!
Here goes:
The new guy on the block decided to treat the team this morning.
What a nice gesture!
According to MyFitnessPal this Boston Kreme Donut contains 445 calories and 67 grams of carbs.I don’t want to talk about it.
As I mentioned in this post Wendy has lost a lot of weight.
Today marked
as she walked into the office wearing a dress.
For the first time since 2002, Wendy donned a dress and ventured into the great outdoors… or at least to work.
Her dress is very cute and at $17.99 what a great deal!
AELSON Womens Summer Casual Sleeveless Mini Printed Vest Dresses
I use Wendy’s kettle most mornings to brew several (4) cups of green tea.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. These include improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other impressive benefits (source).
It keeps me out of the junk food!
Thanks Wendy!
Currently the company is encouraging that we participate in supporting
Click on the picture to access the website for more information!
It is a precious story!
In addition to what I have mentioned, there are other workplace positives:
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
It is incredible that this is the
We are prancing along through the summer and it will be autumn in no time!
And now:
Have you tried the Pasta alternative veggie products?
This one is my favoriteThere are several varieties by Birdseye and Green Giant.
I’ve wanted to try the new marinara sauce (that I mentioned in this post) so I made Rigatoni for LB.
Sadly, there are 220 calories in 1 cup of cooked Rigatoni.
Calorie breakdown: 5% fat, 80% carbs, 15% protein.
Since I’m not about to eat real pasta, I sampled my marinara sauce atop these carrot spirals.
Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 3% carbs, 1 gram protein.
LB checked the mail this week and told me that I had a package. My response: I didn’t order anything!
Apparently I had an item on back-order from a Venus order that I placed in JANUARY!
Mini Jean Skirt in Indigo Blue
At least THEY remembered!
Health and Fitness Coach
This is a real life Wonder Woman and I follow her on Instagram.
This week I attempted to complete a workout she shared on Instagram.
I couldn’t do it!
Her websites can be found here and here.
I attended college at FCCJ (now FSCJ) off and on after high school and between babies. Since achieving success earning an AA degree and an AS in Interior Design Technology several years ago, I have attempted to earn a Bachelor’s degree from Liberty University online. This week I reached out to the admissions department for advice on wrapping this up!
I’m FINALLY seeing light at the end of the tunnel! I’m so excited and looking forward to sharing news of a graduation sooner than later!
She who took me under her wing and has looked out for me since I came to her team seven years ago!
Kathy is a dear friend and trusted colleague who is celebrating a milestone this week!
Happy Birthday Kathy!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog!
“Each year on August 12th, National Middle Child Day is observed across the United States. This day gives special recognition to the middle child in the family” (source).
is My Middle Childand she is a delight!
I searched google to find a National Day for the Oldest Child/First-Born and Youngest Child and I could not. It is possible that Middle Children are given a special day because they sometimes experience
There was no middle child in my family when I was growing up, only myself and my sister Gina. Being the first-born in my family, it is difficult for me to imagine a disorder associated with birth order. Therefore I am puzzled by the Middle Child Syndrome being a reality that some children experience. The first-born is many times considered to be the leader, while the youngest, or “baby of the family” has his own special place. Does this leave the middle child without a special place or role? I have three children and happen to know that the middle child does in fact have a special role.
But research indicates that this syndrome is very real. These children may feel they are given scant attention and that their siblings are recognized more than they.
in my opinion, is an exception to the rule!Amanda is special for so many reasons.
For example:
she is a natural born leader and adventurer.This picture was taken during a tour of the United States Capitol in 2007. Amanda was the tour guide. She took the initiative to go to Washington D.C. and serve as an intern for Senator Mel Martinez while she was “just a baby”. And isn’t she lovely?
She also gave me a tour of the city, and obediently posed with the flowers for this picture.
Amanda is very imaginative and a lot of fun to be with.
But she also has a serious sideand beautiful blue-green eyes.
She has a Master’s Degree; graduating from UNF with honors.
I am very proud of her and hope that she is only teasing when she calls herself “the forgotten child”.
At this point she must know that she is anything but forgotten.
Maybe we should start referring to them as the “Central” as opposed to the “Middle”.
Happy Central Child Day Amanda!
Note to Stephanie and Richard: Be forewarned. Even though there is no National First-Born Day or National Youngest Child Day… I’m a Blogger, and I’ll embarrass you too.
Recently an adorable lady has become a member of my work family
Patsy has been with our company for ten years and recently relocated from Louisiana to join us here in the Sunshine State. It was fun hearing her talk about setting up her new home after she made the big move to Florida. I remember her excitement the day she closed on her house; and again when her 50MB internet was installed.
She has been great fun to get to know. She has a great sense of humor. And I’ve learned that she likes to watch lifetime television in bed and enjoys participating in her collection of workout videos from the sofa.
Something we have in common is our love of shopping, especially for clothes and shoes.
Every morning Patsy comes into the office dressed SO CUTE. Most of the time I tell her what great fashion sense she has or how well she puts an outfit together. Today I asked her where she purchased the top she is wearing.
Dressbarn was the place.
I recently experienced Dressbarn for the first time on a trip to the new Tanger Outlet in Daytona.
It was at Dressbarn that I found my yellow capris and navy ankle pants in the clearance section.
Fun in the dressing room.
Patsy told me that her go-to shop is Dressbarn and most of her clothes have been purchased there. At times she has forgotten what is in her closet and purchased the same item twice. Since I love it, I tried to locate the top she is wearing online, with no success. Patsy advised checking the Scarves & Wraps category under Accessories
Only $25… thinking I might need one of those!
In addition to Dressbarn, Patsy enjoys purchasing shoes from JustFab and says she has been using the online company for years, not purchasing every month, but enjoying the benefits of the VIP membership when she does.
She was mentioned in this post, on April 4th when I talked about Every Single Diet…
At the time of that post, she had lost 20 pounds.
By Friday, July 8th she had lost nearly 70 pounds. She came into work that day styling her new white capris, feeling so good about her progress and with good reason.
She was looking great!
Wendy’s desk is next to mine and while we sat there discussing how well she has done several of our team members were gathered close enough to join in the conversation. She had experienced a couple of difficult weeks at home, but was unwavering in her resolve to make healthy choices for herself. At some point in the discussion it was suggested that Wendy should do something nice for herself. There was mention of a massage or a pedicure, but I knew what she really wanted.
Wendy has been talking about a new hair style for weeks. She has been looking at pictures to find just the right cut for herself. So I told she should do it. Of course she refused. She didn’t have time and other excuses. I suggested that we go during lunch to a salon that was close by. Once again she refused. I pressed on, but could see, as much as she wanted to do it, she wasn’t going to let herself. Finally I told her that I was going to get to work and if she changed her mind, at any point before lunchtime, just say “okay Kim” and I will put the plan into motion. She hesitated, but before I turned around she said “okay Kim”.
Just Hair in Fleming Island is about 2 minutes from my officeSo we decided to celebrate with a makeover
She was a little nervous at first
No more ponytails
Julie was a pleasure to work with and celebrated with us as she herself had lost a LOT of weight. She did a great job helping Wendy with her new look.
And she’s a happy girl!
Then the styling began…
Wendy looks great!
And so does her hair!
She has done what others only wish they could do.
And I’m so proud of her!