Every time I take a course, my blog time is sacrificed. It isn’t easy to do both. And even my Friday Favorites have proven to be difficult to post. This week I’ve had to read three chapters and an article, watch three video presentations, write two papers [each a minimum of 500 words], and, of course, there’s the weekly quiz. I’m not finished yet.
Nevertheless, Friday Favorites are important, because this blog serves as my grateful journal and is a reminder of how blessed I am and how thankful I am for the people in my life.
I follow National Day Calendar on Instagram and the celebrations were epoch this week!
Favorite # ONE
April 8 was National All Is Ours Day which is a day “to appreciate everything we have. Don’t dwell on what we don’t have. All that we have is a blessing, and our lives are a blessing” (source).
Favorite # TWO
April 9 was National Unicorn Day. Unicorns “were originally considered to be fierce, powerful animals, they are now often seen as a symbol of love, purity, enchantment, and magic” (source).
And I know one little girl who is especially fond of unicorns!
Favorite # THREE
April 10 was National Siblings Day “is a day created to honor our brothers and our sisters” (source).
I’ve been blessed with a lovely sibling, my sister Gina.
And so have my Mama and my Aunt Debbie who posted sweet sibling shots that I thought were worth sharing.
Favorite # FOUR
April 11 was Pet lovers are always appreciative of their fur babies.
To observe National Pet Day “take supplies to those pets in shelters. Help a friend with pets who is recovering from an illness. Adopt a pet. Use #NationalPetDay on social media” (source).
Favorite # FIVE
April 12 was “The United States modern version of the grilled cheese sandwich originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and American cheese became easily available. Originally it was made as an open-faced sandwich” (source). Although I love a traditional grilled cheese sandwich, LB and I celebrated National Grilled Cheese Day with a Grilled Pimento Cheese on pumpernickel bread Sandwich [which tasted much better than it looks]!
made with this
from Costco.
Highly recommended.
Up Next…
Saturday, April 13th is National Peach Cobbler Day.
That gives me a great idea!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.