There IS NO ONE like a Sister
and that is why when my baby sister reached the age of 50, I traveled nearly 3 hours to be with her on her birthday.
I believe it was Clay’s idea. He texted me one evening to tell me about the plan to surprise her while she was away on her Disney birthday adventure and asked if LB and I would be able to get away to join in the fun.
My response was “We can make it happen”.
My first thought was that we would leave work early on Monday, August 17th, then make our way to Orlando’s Disney Springs where we would meet up with family, and surprise Gina. That was a pretty good plan, but LB had other plans. He decided we should head to Orlando on Sunday, spend the night, and enjoy Monday away from work/home.
So we did.
We went to Universal CityWalk on Sunday and spent the day sight-seeing, but making sure to follow all the rules. Then later had dinner at Antojitos.
Before making our way to the Residence Inn, we made a stop at Target… just because I like to
On Monday LB and I took our time getting ready, but eventually we were out door and headed to Disney Springs. For the next 5 hours we would…
You cannot tell by my expression, but I was having a good time.
To wrap up the Orlando event, we followed my sister and her crew to Sprinkles.
We walked up behind her and SURPRISE!
And she was surprised! It brought tears to her eyes.We each ordered cupcakes at Sprinkles
and found a place to sit and have a little visit.
It was a nice time together with family.
We ate cupcakes and Gina opened her birthday gifts…
I’m very lucky to have Gina in my life.
There is no one else like her!
There’s no one like a sister…
’cause she’s known you all along.She gets your jokes, shares your folks, and likes the same old songs.
There’s no one like a sister…
’cause she’s there no matter what –To talk, check in, see how you’ve been, and sometimes save your butt.
There’s no one like a sister…
she’s a friend your whole life through.And none could be as good to me or loved as much as you!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
Happy Birthday Gina !!!
And though I don’t see you both much, you have to know in your heart that I am here, I love you and would do anything for you that I could.
Love ya!!!
All you need to do is be You. Love you Robbie