I was introduced to the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s masterpiece as a little girl.
One of my aunts, I think it was Sharon, took me to the theater where I watched the longest movie I had ever seen in my little life. I’m not sure why I think it was Sharon because it seems like it was typically Linda or Vicki that would take me to the movies.
[Maybe someone can help me out with this?]
I wish my memory wasn’t so bad 🤪
But I do remember that the movie was great. I’ve seen it more than a dozen times. I loved it so much that I had the album.
I couldn’t remember what happened to that album. As a matter of fact, I don’t remember if it belonged to me or my sister. Surely it was too wholesome to become victim to the back-masking record burning event that took place around the late 70’s. Gina reminded me that it was on her stereo and stolen during one of the many home break-ins we experienced as kids. But we had it in our possession long enough that I memorized EVERY SINGLE song from the movie. It is amazing what your brain will allow you to remember. For me, it is lyrics.
I think my favorite song is probably
“The Lonely Goatherd” 
[Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo].
Right now the Alhambra Theater and Dining is showing a production of The Sound of Music. LB has been watching for an opportunity to purchase weekend tickets. On Friday night he got lucky. Two seats had become available and he grabbed them.
So on Saturday night we did something that has become out of the norm during the plandemic, we went out on a date.
The show was great. It was considerably shorter than the movie, some of the songs were a little out of place, but the story was the same.
If you get the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it!
Just as info, the menu is a little strange. Bear in mind that pork schnitzel is merely a breaded (and probably fried) pork chop and Sacher torte is just a piece of chocolate cake. Both are delicious!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
I too have seen the original movie at least 10 times. Thanks fir sharing your memories. ❤️
Thanks. One of my favorites too