Critters seem to find their way into my house and usually I find them after they’ve gone to the great beyond – thank goodness!
But while cleaning the family room
We came upon each other suddenly…
as he was sunning himself on the back of the sofa.
While spiders and bugs get a swat or a spray, lizards get a pass.
I can pick it up by that long tail and take it to the door and gently let it go to a new lease on life.
I reached for him and his eyes grew large. I could see the fear in his eyes or so it seemed.
I pulled and he held on for dear life, no kidding, and those little feet dug into the tapestry fabric. I said, “come on little fella, let go; I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to set you free”. I just wanted to put him back into his natural habitat, but all he saw was something bigger than life and he wasn’t about to let go.
It became quite funny, a battle of sorts. The more I pulled, the more he held on. I could almost hear him crying, “somebody help me”!
Finally, I was able to peel him away from the sofa.
As I made my way to the door I began to ponder, isn’t that what God has to do with us when we think we’re in a “safe place”, comfortably living our lives?
He knows it’s not the best plan for us.
Sometimes it hurts and we become afraid as He “pries us away” from what we thought was good only to find we can experience something far better. His aim is not to hurt us, even though at the time we can only think of our pain and fear.
If we could pause and remember that in all our ways to acknowledge Him, then He would direct our paths, and would do a better work in us that, even if we tried, we could never imagine. God, in His providence, has only our good in mind.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:6 KJV
Love this, Kim. Your analogy of the lizard and God is perfect. ❤️
Thank you Sylvia. This is Mama’s story. You can find my posts from her under “Mary’s Musings” on my home page.
I’d probably freak a little if I found a lizard in my home.
Love the analogy. Often times, it’s true how we try to fight with God to stay when He has other plans for us.