While waiting for the sun to set, and Nights of Lights to begin, I perused through a few of the shops on Saint George Street.
As I’ve mentioned before, H.W. Davis Clothing and Shoes never disappoints. I can always find something pretty at this shop.
On this particular trip, I discovered a few places that may not be new, but are new to me.
Colonial Oaks Music Park mentioned in yesterday’s post.
A performance and event venue, with an oak in the center of the park, and a nice place to relax and enjoy a band or a show. The old live oak’s branches are spread over the the park offering shade in the summer and a place to hang lanterns and lights.
29 Olives
There were several pretty blouses and a wall of jewelry.
And this store has a website you can find here.
After the sun set, and I had enjoyed the holiday display, LB and I took a walk on King Street, along the Plaza de la Constitucion. Just past the Ale House is a cute little shop called
Mod Mari
The window display made it impossible to pass by without further investigation.I wandered through the shop examining all of the accessories and potential gift items.
Some of the items in Mod Mari:
LB mentioned that my daughters would probably like this store. I believe they would.
At last I found the dress in the display window.
And LB encouraged me to try it on.
I look like a PEASANT!
Uh… yeah…
LB and I left St. Augustine with no shopping bags (for LB to hide from me until Christmas). However we both took home sweet memories of the evening that will remain with us forever.