On occasion I find that I have hit the bloggers block wall. On these perplexing occasions I will look to see if The Blended Blog has created a questionnaire for me to complete
Woo Hoo!
While it was likely intended for January 1st, I’m going with it today!
1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?
No Resolutions, unless you count the diet that I start every month, which is not really a resolution, but a do-over.
2. Love Snow or No Snow?
I think snow is beautiful, and I’ve seen some lovely snow pictures from bloggers and social media friends.…but I’m not jealous.
Although I would love the opportunity to don a pair of skis and have a brisk run down the Toll Road once again, I am a warm climate woman and tolerate minimal cold but only to wear my jackets and boots.
3. Name a New Place you want to go this year:
I’ve been everywhere I want to go.
But when I asked LB what he thought, reminding him that I am “a history person” he replied, “Gettysburg”. We’ll see what happens.
Stay tuned.
4. Would you rather have a New hair cut or Hair color?
I would rather have hair color… and I have it every 3 months.
While I’ve toyed with the idea of having a cute little bob cut, I’m not brave enough to go there just yet.
5. Name one special thing that you want to do for yourself this year:
If I could embrace entrepreneurship and never commute to an office again… it would be great!
6. Least favorite thing about January?
Leaving home before the sun comes up and arriving back home when it is going down.
7. Most favorite thing about January?
Initially I made the comment that I don’t find anything appealing about January. My Mama called me out by reminding me that she was born in January. That event in itself makes January a significant month. Now that my attention is on January birthdays, I realize that there are many important people in my life who were born this month.
8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations?
I try to leave them up until New Years Day…
You’re Welcome Santa
9. Do you diet in January?
My Life is a series of one diet after another. It is what it is.
10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most?
Probably my closet… and my solution would be to take Stephanie’s old room and transform it into a fabulous closet room, but I don’t know where to put my treadmill. It would not be a welcomed part of this transformation
11. Favorite winter comfort food?
What is a comfort food? Hot Chocolate?
12. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Shopping… I have no other vice. I’ll share my latest shopping excursion in my Friday Favorites.
Loved this blog. ❤️
Love You!