My Although it is not a federal holiday, congress passed legislation in 1977 proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as
Grandparents Day
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation.
Grandparents Day was initiated in 1970 by Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade to:
Honor grandparents.
Give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children.
Help children become aware of the strength, information and guidance older people can offer (source).
My own Grandparents were a huge part of my life.
And today is
National Grandparents Day
Three of my Grandparent have moved on to Heaven and I know one day I’ll see them again. I’ve included them in blog posts before, and because they were and are such an important part of my life, I’ll include them again today.
Papa [Duck] went to be with Jesus in the spring of 1996.
He was a strong and serious man but always managed to break a somber mood with his Donald Duck impression. He had a distinct whistle that he used as a way to call us. Papa had his own chair in the living room; after a hard day in the garden he could be found snoring in that corner chair. Papa sang bass in the choir for as long as he was able to attend church. He would stand on the end of the back row, turned slightly sideways towards the rest of the bass section. He had a larger than life personality that demanded respect, while also emanating humbleness.
Mema [Reid] went to be with Jesus in autumn 2007.
Mema had a larger than life personality x2. She is the one with whom I spent the most time. Mema always had Juicy Fruit gum in her purse that she would share with me during church. She was also known to remove her jewelry and give it to me during a sermon. I still have rings that she slipped on my hand on two separate occasions. Mema was the one I would call to come get me if I didn’t feel like staying at school. She taught me to bake and make divinity at Christmastime. She taught me that I am important.
Mema [Duck] went to be with Jesus in the winter of 2010.
Papa and Mema Duck were my neighbors from the time I was about 4 until I moved out of my parent’s house at age 18. Mema was always within walking distance. When I rode the bus home from school I would stop at her house before heading to mine. Mema and I shared an interest in soap operas. By the time I reached her house in the afternoon, it was time for The Guiding Light. She would make us a snack and we would watch together.
According to Mama, it was Mema Duck who initiated the “pretty is as pretty does” mindset.
My Grandpa Reid is alive and well. He will be 95 in December.
It wasn’t until I was 30 years old that I learned that Grandpa adopted my Daddy.
Grandpa was in the army and spent time overseas during World War II; he fought in The Battle of the Bulge.
Later, he worked driving a fuel truck for Texaco for many years. Grandpa is tall, skinny, and strong. If you stand in front of him long enough, he will give you a most excellent shoulder massage. He is sweet and soft-spoken and rarely calls me by name, but uses pet names such as Doll and Sweet’eart.
Grandpa [like Papa] also sang bass in the choir, and will still add his bass harmony to any song he hears, whether he knows the words or not.
My sweet brother-in-law Stuart and nephew Clay always make sure Grandpa comes to be with the family at holiday and birthday gatherings.
In 2015 I became a grandparent (a Glammy to be precise) when Lydia was born.
I hope I will mean as much to these two as my Grandparents have meant to me!
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
I so enjoy reading your blogs!! God bless you.
Nora Long
Thank you! 🥰