Count Your Blessings
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done.
So that is what I’m going to do…
Count My Blessings!
Love – LB by my side, Elvis always at my feet, Mama right next door
Family – Those who will be with me during the coming holidays and those I’ll see again someday
Memories – I have so many happy ones
Home – My most favorite place to be
My bed – I thank God for it every time my head hits the pillow
Electricity, indoor plumbing, and modern appliances
Health – I am SO blessed to be healthy
My treadmill – I don’t have to go to a gym or hit the sidewalk
The Job – I don’t like it, but it helps to have a paycheck
Some of my coworkers – You know who you are
Weekends – What everybody’s working for
Time – it isn’t promised, but I’m thankful for the time I’ve been given – including the few minutes I have to write this gratitude post
I had never seen that Count Your Blessings poem!! Love it. So hard to believe the holidays are here! Every year goes faster and faster. Wonderful list of blessings in your life! Thanks so much for linking up with The Blended Blog!
Thank you Katie! I love linking with TBB. You are all so cute!