Today would have been your 79th birthday. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you.
A lot has happened in the 24 years you’ve been gone.
Sydney was born shortly after you left. You didn’t get to meet her, but I know you would love her. She looks so much like Gina.
Now you have seven grandchildren.
They have all graduated from high-school. Some have gone on to graduate from college…with the highest distinction.
You would be very proud.
Recently Kyle added some wedding excitement to the family when he married Christella.
This photo shows how loving and protective Kyle has been.
All your grandsons have been very protective of Mama.
Clay has been true to his word. He takes good care of his Mema. He has a manner about him that is remarkably familiar. I always think of you when I see him.
Clay married Chynna; now they have a little boy and three little girls.
Richard had a hard time after you left; we spent many nights consoling him. He had just turned 11.
You would be so proud of him today.
He is a preacher. Richard married Emily…
and now they have two little girls and a little boy.
Lydia is Richard’s oldest; she looks a lot like her mama.
And this one looks like her Glammy.
Can you believe I’m a Glammy???
Richard Ezekiel is namesake #2. We call him Zeke.

You might find it hard to believe, but all your grandchildren remember you vividly; And your great-grandchildren know you from the many photos they’ve seen. They know you as “Granddaddy Richard”
You have 7 Great Grand-babies!
I know you would enjoy seeing photos of them too:

They Are So Sweet
you would be too!

Although our family has continued to grow, many loved ones have left us since you’ve been gone.
Just this week we were heartbroken to learn that your cousin, Robbie has passed away. The news made me think of the stories you told about when you were kids; you and Robbie were both so adventurous.
I came across this 1970’s photo of the two of you. Robbie told me many times how much he loved and missed you.
My simple mind likes to imagine that you were standing nearby to welcome him when he came your way. Maybe that isn’t exactly how things work, but since no one really knows specific details, I’ll think what I want.
I hope you’ll be waiting to welcome me someday.
You would be HAPPY to know that Mama is doing well.
You are missed more than you know.
We know that we will see you again Daddy, and thank you for showing us The Way.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by my blog.
Richard, I mss you more than I can express. I love you so much. I know we won’t be married in heaven, but we will be best friends if there is such a thing. The little ones know about Jesus and we are preparing them to know Him in a personal way. There is no doubt that we won’t leave one behind. You left us such a wonderful spiritual heritage and second only to our Savior, you were always the spiritual leader of our family. We are here attempting to live our lives as would be pleasing unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and waiting for the day when He will return and gather all of His own and take us to our new home for the most wonderful family reunion the world has ever known! Until then, with joy (and a few tears) I’ll carry on…until the DAY my eyes behold that CITY, until the day, God calls us HOME.
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